############################################################################### # # # CHANGELOG - List of changes HLmaps has undergone under each version # # - Copyright Scott McCrory as part of the Spumoni distribution # # - Distributed under the GNU Public License - see docs for more info # # - http://spumoni.sourceforge.net # # # ############################################################################### # CVS $Id: CHANGELOG,v 1.4 2002/08/04 22:04:53 smccrory Exp $ ############################################################################### --------------------------------------------- - bugfix, + enhancement, * contrib, = RELEASE --------------------------------------------- = spumoni-20020815-0000 March 1, 2002 Scott (smccrory@users.sourceforge.net) + Native SNMP TRAP and GET (agent) capability, thanks to JoeSNMP and Bob Snider's prototype code. This means that Net-SNMP, cfget and cfcat are no longer needed, so Spumoni runs just fine on Windows. Should make it more compatable on other platforms too. + Added init.d-style startup script + Added Windows batch file to run Spumoni + Lots of code style standardization (thanks Checkstyle!) + Tightened the XML DTDs + Added CHANGELOG (this file) + Added HTMLized source code to docs + Added JUnit and Checkstyle Ant tasks + Added JUnit and Checkstyle output to docs + Greatly improved JavaDoc + Improved build and versioning process + Improved documentation & web site links = spumoni-20011216-2253 December 16, 2001 Scott (smccrory@users.sourceforge.net) + First public release